Thursday, March 21, 2013

Ignorance is Bliss

My milk cows have a story- The original 2 Jerseys were bought by my mister because we had a year where we suspected several cows that couldn't raise their calves, and milk cows seemed a better option than feeding them twice a day with milk replacer. We picked up those weirdos and I decided to name them "Snooki" and "J-Coww" for those of you who are familiar with MTV's "Jersey Shore" that is amusing.

They had their babies that year and Snooki had a bull calf who was christened "Pauly-D" and J-Coww had a heifer calf whom I named "Chelsea" after Chelsea Handler who I love, and is originally from Jersey. J-Coww died of Johne's Disease which is a bovine equivalent of Chrone's disease. I was sad...but we still had Chelsea.

Chelsea is 2 this year and had her first calf whom I named Moose, because he looked like one- he still actually does.

Sunday I found a twin in my big herd of cows, who don't have names and thus are not nearly as exciting- I was bottle feeding him Chelsea's milk (the poo free milk) and Tuesday night, he had his first experience being transfered from bottle, to cow.      He liked it.

We have to keep those graft calves seperate beause cows don't like calves that aren't their own, and from time to time, try to MURDER THEM. So I would put Chels in the head catch and let that little sucker go to town.

Yesterday, I let him live in the pen with Chelsea and Moose...expecting it was going to take a while for her to warm up to him.

Milk Cows are pretty mellow and I am quite sure--- they are DUMB! In a good way.

Chelsea took about 3.5 seconds to love that calf and she figures two calves are as good as one.

It was like Woodstock in there- she mooed at him and licked his butt and was pretty excited to have was like she was stoned out of her mind with joy. The calf who now is named Chuy was bucking and playing and sucking the life right out of her through her udders and even gave his new brother a celebratory kick to the head.

Cows are fucking weird animals.

*Side note- Kip was nearly run over by an unamed cow last night- they like to keep us on our toes.

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