Friday, June 21, 2013

Turns out...not so great at blogging

Woah you where have I been?

Working in town sucks- I feel like I never have time to write anymore.

Well, lambing didn't suck nearly as much as I thought it would because evidently the sheep felt like being alive this year.

Here's a fun story- I got a new guard dog...puppy...who lives in the yard.
Jesus Christ what do I do to screw my dogs up so badly. I mean, I had him messed up by age 8 weeks. Anyway, I'm not getting anymore guard dogs. His name is really fits, especially since that little asshole dug up all my lettuce last night. In the words of my sister "I guess I will just have to go buy lettuce like everyone else."

The wedding is getting closer so I have been busy with that- we got the rodeo tickets purchased so that's pretty AWESOME. Can't wait!

I really am feeling very uninspired today so, I will try to come up with something clever in the next couple of days.
