Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Better Lawns and Gardens

Hello readers, or as Julie Powell would call you: "bleaders"

I haven't had any craziness happening lately, if you discredit the bought of e-coli I was battling. (see first blog entry for that to be funny.) So for real, don't accidentally get cow poo in your face, because yeah- e-coli. Anyway, it is a nasty business but here we are...no worse for the wear. It would have been nice if I had lost some fucking weight while glued to the toilet, but no. So I am still chubby.

Calves and Jersey's are doing very well. Snooki's baby who is still nameless, but I am leaning toward Charley....or Satan. She is a bit of a spit-fire and near impossible to get into a barn, once let out, so that's always worth a laugh because I am fat and slow and she runs like the damn wind. "Twinny" is fat and happy and ROUND and Moose is a snob...still.

Yesterday I did try to lead my milk cow with a halter...she isn't halter broke so that was a chore, but I didn't get run over or anything so it wasn't that eventful, but two years ago I did get plowed so at least that's something for you.

Lambing is on its way and will be here in about 20 days and that's when the real "fun" begins because sheep are infuriating. Usually they are crap at feeding their lambs and sometimes burn their wool under the heat lamps. Also look for stories about "granny sheep."

We finally got a little bit of moisture so thank goodness for that because I was not looking forward to selling every animal on the place. However, raising rocks would be a lot easier and probably more satisfying. If the sun comes out and shines away my dead yard might have a chance.

I am not much of a lawn nurturer. Last year my two, $6 Wal-Mart sprinklers had a hard time keeping up with the drought and my lawn didn't even needed mowed, so I figure that's a bad sign. I threw out some grass seed early this year, and if the stupid birds didn't eat it all- it might stand a small chance of growing in the dirt that is my lawn. I don't like mowing my lawn either, even with a rider mower because my dog chases the tracks and it's hard maneuvering around obstacles and not to leave bits of Alice in the yard too, she's fast and I never know where the hell she is...I usually just hope not under the mower. Plus it's hot, and if it is not a perfect 74.3 degrees...I am not happy. Also if I have to wear real clothes instead of yoga pants, I'm not very happy then either.

I also hate gardens. This is mainly due to the fact that the year I decided to grow one, I put up a major fence and tilled the dirt and fertilized and stuck steaks in the ground with strings tied to either end to plant perfectly straight rows of veggies, and it hailed and smoked my garden so I got pissed at nature and decided to sign up for bountiful baskets instead.

Sorry this post is boring and filled with useless crap about nothing but nothing spectacular has been happening...I just didn't want anyone to think I'd died or something.